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C & D & E & TI
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Exercise I:

Fill in the blank spaces in the following sentences with the correct item chosen from the brackets
a) The story was so funny that l couldn't help . . . . . . . (to laugh, laughing, laughed)
h) One would wish . . . . . . missed the party. (to have not, tor haying not, not to have)
c) It Samuel Eto'o had played, Cameroon . . .. . . . . lost the match against Cope Verde. (would not have, would not, will not have)
d) Whenever Julio was angry, he . . . . . . out of the room. (will walk, would walk, walk)
e) He's been talking for hours, . . . . . . . . ? (isn't he, is he, Hasn't he)

Exercise 2:

Rewrite the following sentences in the spaces provided without changing their meanings. Begin each sentences as indicated.
a) It didn't rain and crops didn't grow.
lf it had rained, …
b) Henry started studying science last year and he is still doing so this year.
For two years now, Henry …
c) Mary is ill, yet she came to work today.
Despite Mary's ….
d) “Don't isolate the patient", the doctor warned the nurse.
The doctor warned the nurse
e) Francis turned on the lights.
The lights …..


Exercise 1:

Fill the blank space in each sentence with a word chosen from those in the brackets
a) Be careful that electric wire is . . . . . . (lite, live, lively, living)
b) last Monday morning, we were taught by the . . . . . teacher. (apprentice, trainee, learner, helper)
c) Are you . . . . . . that the Minister of Secondary Education is visiting our school next week? (conscious, aware, knowledgeable, inform)
d) Mr. Agu complained that climbing the stairs left him . . . . . for breath. (panting, catching, gasping, finding)
e) Electrons flow easily through copper and her silver because they are good . . . . . (particles, regulators, conductors, insulators)

Exercise 2:

Match each word in column A with another word with which it goes under column B. copy your answers in the spaces provided.

Column A Column B
1. Drug a. technician
2. Sell /b. projector
5. laboratory c. chores
4. Team d. confidence
5. Household e. addiction
6. PowerPoint f. mate

Example: I. Drug addiction
2....; 3...; 4....; 5…; 6. …

Exercise 3:

Fill in the blank space in each sentence with the right form of the word in brackets.

a) This tree will become . . . . . (to produce) next year.
b) The technician apologised for the break in the image . . . . . (to transmit).
c) Our Minister provided . . . . . (technique) support to our project.
d) Bob has become a good . . . . . . (science) alter several years of studies.
e) The Queen Mother was . . . . . (beauty) dressed at the traditional festival.


Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow in the spaces provided. Use complete sentences and, as far as possible, your own words.

Every second, 1 hectare of the world's rainforest is destroyed. In a year, that adds up to 31 million hectares which is more than the land area of Poland.
This alarming rate of destruction has serious consequences for the environment. Scientists estimate, for example, that 137 species of plant, insect or animal become extinct every day due to logging.
In British Columbia, where, since 1990, thirteen rainforest valleys have been clear-cut, 142 species of salmon have already become extinct, and the habitats of grizzly bears, wolves and many other creatures are threatened.
Logging, however, provides jobs, profits, taxes for the government and cheap products at all kinds for consumers, so the government is reluctant to restrict or control it.
Much of Canada's forestry production goes towards making pulp and paper. Canada supplies 54% of the world's wood pulp and 4°% of its newsprint paper. lf these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp.
Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. It produces fibre which can be made into paper, fuel, oils, textiles, food, and rope.
For many centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships. Colonial expansion and the establishment of a worldwide trading network would not have been possible without hemp. Nowadays, ships‘ cables are usually made from wire or synthetic fibres, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be revived for the production of paper and pulp. According to its proponents, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees, and many environmentalists believe that the large-scale cultivation of hemp could reduce the pressure on Canada's forests.
However, there is a problem: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant, so useful for fibre, rope, oil, fuel and textiles, is a species of cannabis, related to the plant from which marijuana is produced. In the late 1950s, the hemp plant used to produce the drug, and the commercial fibre-producing hemp plant banned.
In recent years, two major movements for legalization have gathering strength. One group of activists believes that All cannabis should be legal-both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant. The other legalisation movement is concerned only with the hemp plant used to produce fibre; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fibre for paper and pulp production. This second group has had a major triumph recently: in 1997, Canada legalised the farming of hemp for fibre. For the first time since 1958, hundreds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp paper produced from this new source.

1) What, according to the passage, is the impact of the destruction of forests on the environment?
2) Why does the government of British Columbia not control the cutting down of trees?
3) Why is pulp and paper important to Canada?
4) What finished product tram trees mentioned in the passage is directly useful to you as a student?
5) What was the relationship between the production of hemp and worldwide trade in the past?
6) According to the passage, state the advantage hemp will have over trees in paper production.


Choose any ONE of the following topics and write an essay of between 250 to 300 words.
1) Describe an annual traditional event in your village. Say what the event is, when it is celebrated, who participates and what activities take place. The name of your village is Frukangkang.
2) On the occasion at World Tree Planting bay, you have been invited by a group of young people in your village to give on the importance of trees. Write the speech that you will deliver. The name of your village is Bafem.
3) Write a letter to the Minister of Secondary Education in which you tell him about some problems you lace in your school. Suggest possible solutions to these problems. Your name is Dowell Brian, and your address is, Government Bilingual lligh School Erung, P.0. Box 14, Bombel.